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The Dearness Allowance (DA) for central government employees was recently increased by the federal government. Employees' DA has been increased to 34% with the most recent revision. Other allowances, such as House Rent Allowance (HRA), may be increased soon, which might be excellent news for government employees.

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The central government's HRA was last updated in July of last year, after the DA passed the 25% barrier. The DA had been raised to 28% at the time by the government. HRA is expected to be revised as DA is raised to new levels

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According to media sources, central government employees' HRA may be increased in the next weeks. If the HRA increase takes effect soon, government employees will see a significant increase in their pay.

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HRA for government employees is determined by the municipal category in which they work. X, Y, and Z are the three categories. Employees in the X category currently receive HRA at a rate of 27% of their basic income, while those in the Z category cities receive it at a rate of 18%. The HRA for Z class employees is presently 9% of their basic wage.

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HRA is paid at a rate of 27% to central employees who fall into the X category. HRA for employees in the Y group will range from 18% to 20%. At the same time, the Z class's HRA will rise from 9% to 10%.

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According to reports in the media, government employees' HRA could rise by up to 3% in the near future. Employees in X Class cities might see their HRA rise by 3%, while those in Y Class cities could see their allowance rise by 2%. 

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Further, employees located in Z class cities could receive a 1% hike in HRA. So, In the best-case scenario, the HRA of government employees will increase from 27 per cent to 30 per cent.