Bihar Board 10th Result 2020 (Kab aayega) check online BSEB Matric Result 2020 Date & Time at Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) will announce the BSEB 10th Result 2020 in the Third week of May 2020 at and As per official authority of BSEB will release Class 10th Result with mark sheet in the 3rd week of May 2020. We will update the direct links on this post after the result announcement. The Matric students are requested to refresh this page at regular intervals.
Result Alert – Live Hindustan की लेटेस्ट न्यूज के अनुसार आज 6 लाख 51 हजार 4 सौ 60 उत्तरपुस्तिकाओं का मूल्यांकन हो चुका है | करीब 50 हजार कॉपियों की जांच होना अभी बाकी है |
बिहार बोर्ड मैट्रिक परीक्षा 2020 का रिजल्ट कब निकलेगा?
2020 में मैट्रिक बिहार का रिजल्ट मई के तीसरे सप्ताह में जारी किया जायेगा| कक्षा दसवीं की कॉपियों का मूल्यांकन अभी जारी है | जल्दी ही पटना बोर्ड, बिहार बोर्ड का 10वीं का रिजल्ट ऑफिशियल वेबसाइट पर घोषित किया जायेगा |
Fresh Update – Mr. Anand Kishore confirms that Bihar Board Matric 2020 Evaluation will start from 6th May 2020. Also added the evaluation of matric answersheets will day 7-8 days. The BSEB Matric Result 2020 and Marksheet will be uploaded in the Mid May 2020.
Update- In Recent Conversation with Jagranjosh (Dainik Jagran) Media, BSEB chairman Anand Kishore Said that Bihar Matric Result shall be released on and before 15th May 2020.
Check Bihar 10th 2020 Result Here
Bihar Board online 10th result 2020
Table of Contents
The remaining answer sheets are being evaluated from 6th May 2020. After evaluation, Bihar board 10th result might be released in the third week of May 2020. The exact date has not been confirmed by the BSEB officials, we will update the release date & timings in this article. stay connected with us.
Update 15th April 2020 – बिहार बोर्ड के अध्यक्ष आनंद किशोर ने कहा, “अगर लॉकडाउन को बढ़ाया जाता है, तो बीएसईबी का पेपर मूल्यांकन 3 मई के बाद भी जारी किया जाएगा | उन्होंने ये भी बताया कि किसी भी शिक्षकों को कक्षा 10वीं की उत्तर पुस्तिकाओं का मूल्यांकन घर से करने की अनुमति नहीं दी गई है |
Update – Last year, Bihar BSEB was announced the Class 10th Matric result on 6th April 2019 but this year Bihar board has delayed the result declaration date of 10th Class due to Covid-19 Outbreak. It is expected that Bihar Board Patna shall declare Bihar 10th Exam Result 2020 Roll code and Roll no. Wise soon in upcoming days.
Sarkari Result Bihar Board 10th Result 2020 @
Latest News – BSEB Matric Result 2020 will be issued soon at Sarkari Result and sarkari exam website as well.
Exam | Result Date & Time |
Bihar 10th 2020 Annual Exam | 15th May 2020 (Expected Date) |
Bihar Board 10th Result Date 2020
As per official reports, Bihar board 10th Class result 2020 is expected to be declared on and before 15th May 2020. But due to Coronavirus lockdown BSEB Matric Result 2020 might get delayed.
Bihar BSEB Matric Result 2020 Name Wise
The Bihar school examination board Patna will declare BSEB Matric Result 2020 Roll no. Wise and Name wise. There are may third party website which releases Bihar board 10th result Search by Name facilities to its websites is one of them. The students just need to provide the Student Name and Father/mother Name to access the Bihar 10th Result 2020.
Bihar Board 10th Result 2020 Kab Aayega?
All the students of Bihar board are searching for बिहार बोर्ड 10th रिजल्ट २०२० कब आएगा? The BSEB Matric Result 2020 Date is not final yet but it shall be announced in upcoming days.
बिहार बोर्ड मैट्रिक 2020 का रिजल्ट कब जारी होगा?
जैसा कि ऊपर दी गई जानकारी में बताया गया है कि वर्ष 2019 में बिहार बोर्ड दसवीं का रिजल्ट 6 अप्रैल 2019 को website पर किया गया था | इस वर्ष पूरे देश में कोरोना वायरस की वजह से 21 दिन का लॉक डाउन किया गया है | बिहार बोर्ड पटना ने बताया कि इस वर्ष मैट्रिक रिजल्ट 2020 मई माह में ही जारी किया जाएगा|
Bihar 10th Result 2020 Mark Sheet
The Bihar Board conducted the Matric ( class 10th) Examination from 17th February to 24th February 2020 at various school centers in Bihar State. This Year BSEB will upload the Bihar Board 10th Mark sheet 2020 soon at Official portal.
Where to Check Bihar Matric (10th) Result 2020?
Bihar Board official websites or direct links for checking BSEB 10th Class Result 2020 online are given below.
How To Check Bihar Board 10th Result 2020 Online?
- visit the BSEB official website i.e.
- Search the BSEB Matric Result 2020 link.
- It will redirected to New website.
- This webpage will ask for details like Roll no./ Roll code and Captcha
- After filling the correct details hit on submit button.
- You Bihar Board 10th Mark sheet 2020 will be open on the screen.
- Take a print out.
Also See – Bihar Board 12th Result 2020
Bihar Matric 2020 Result FAQs ( Frequently Asked Questions)
बिहार बोर्ड मैट्रिक रिजल्ट 2020, मई 2020 के तीसरे सप्ताह को घोषित किया जाना है |
बिहार 10वीं परीक्षा परिणाम 2020 , पर पर जारी किया जाएगा |
बीएसईबी मैट्रिक 2020 रिजल्ट की डायरेक्ट लिंक or है |